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Sergeev Vladimir

Vladimir Andreevich Sergeev was born on September 24, 1985. He was detained at an anti-war protest on March 6. His relatives lost contact with him, and he was only found on March 12 in the hospital, at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Care. He was taken there because he took methadone after his detention. Sergeev was later taken into custody. On March 6, the anonymous VKontakte public page «Polite People / War» published a message that explosives were found on two citizens detained on Pushkin Square. Sergeev pleaded guilty. On May 5, it became known that the charge was reclassified as preparation for a terrorist act by a group of persons (Part 2 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code with the application of Part 1 of Article 30 of the Criminal Code). On April 20, 2023, Sergeyev was sentenced to eight years in a maximum security penal colony. On September 27, the appellate court reduced his sentence by two months.

Source: repression.info

Hello, ***! I am responding to your letter dated 15.05.24.

I can’t tell you my neighbor’s name because he doesn’t want to, he trusts very few people. This gentleman’s situation in prison is getting worse because, in addition to his pro-Ukrainian views, he has a huge swastika on his chest. He had it done because he was young and stupid. I laughed a lot when I saw it, I imagined the faces of the FSIN employees, doctors examining him, and cellmates with conservative views.

It is strange that Charles is not afraid of bees; usually cats and dogs somehow distinguish them from other insects. There are pictures of bee stung dogs with swollen legs on the internet.

I read «Who would have thought» by Asya Kazantseva, it’s a science book, about the work of the brain. I have read most of the material before, but there is a summary of the basic biology at the end of the book. It is composed deftly and briefly. Either I grew wiser in prison, or Kazantseva is a good popularizer of science. In general, I finally understood what a nucleotide, RNA, DNA, amino acid, protein, chromosome, and gene mean. I previously lacked the understanding that all of the above consists of nucleotides, that a nucleotide is a minimal semantic unit (and a gene is a section of DNA which you can transcribe, and then a protein can be transcribed).

I understand that the conflict intensifies and that important things are happening, but I do not have reliable sources of information. Cellmates watch the news «60 Minutes» with Skabeeva and «Military Secret» with Prokopenko, and in general any propaganda nonsense. From all this they distill inconsistencies, slips of the presenters, and in general they engage in painstaking collection of information. I’m trying to distance myself from this, because the war is a complicated thing, and making guesses is a futile task. Your newsletter greatly enriches the incoming information, thank you for this.

The library has «In a Beautiful and Furious World» by Platonov, I read it out of idle curiosity. It seems to me that it was he who was portrayed by Sorokin in those scenes about steam locomotives. He loves steam locomotives very much... «The shrapnel screeched low and, stopping mid-flight, angrily tore itself to pieces. These pieces pierced the heads and bodies of the workers, and they, turning on their stomachs, froze forever. Death acted with such calm that belief in the scientific resurrection of the dead seemed to have no error. Then it turned out that people died not forever, but only for a long, dull time.

Pukhov was tired of it. He did not believe that if you die, life will return with interest. And if he felt something like that, he knew that now it’s the workers who need to win, because they make steam locomotives and other scientific objects, and the bourgeoisie only wear them out.»

I’m fine. Thanks for support! 19.05.24 Yeniseisk T-2