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Maria Ponomarenko

Ponomarenko Maria Nikolaevna was born on September 5, 1978, a citizen of Russia, a resident of Barnaul. She worked in the real estate sector, and also collaborated with the electronic publication RusNews as a journalist. Social activist. Has two minor children. Under Part 2 of Article 207.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, she was sentenced to 6 years in a general regime colony and 5 years of a ban on journalistic activity. She was in custody from April 23 to November 14, 2022, then transferred to house arrest. In January 2023, she was transferred to a pre-trial detention center again.

Source: memopzk.org

Dear censor, please do not force men to switch their focus from the Penitantiary to the Pre-Trial Detention Center.

P.S.: Please reply immediately upon receiving this letter.

... good day! ❤️ Greetings to like-minded friends and Charles ❤️ :) ... I am in Pre-Trial Detention Center-1 in Barnaul, Altai Krai. Letters from you were brought from Penal Colony-6 (remarkable diligence) at the beginning of June. It has finally warmed up here, not too hot thankfully, mosquitoes are flying around and centipedes, which look like mini-scolopendras, are running along the walls. I kill the mosquitoes, but coexist peacefully with the centipedes.

I wish Azat Miftakhov to remain optimistic despite the horrific circumstances. I fully understand the emotions he has experienced. Taking a breath of freedom and then returning to the stench of penitentiary realities — only losing a close and dear person is worse. You know what the main point is? If Azat had been convicted on the second trumped-up case even a day before the end of the first term, they would have added, by partial summation, a maximum of a year and a half. Maximum! A medal, by definition, has two sides: the negative one mentioned above, and the positive one lies in the regime’s recognition of our mathematician as a significant and dangerous person. Otherwise, why the insinuations with extending his detention? I almost forgot an important detail — the unfortunate 5-minute gap between serving one sentence and being newly charged classifies Azat as a repeat offender (those repeatedly convicted and first-time offenders are kept separately with all the ensuing consequences). There is a difference between the «repeated» and the newcomers, and I must note — not always in favor of the latter.

We don’t have correctional institutions; we have «estates» of badge-wearers who come to the colonies to boost their self-esteem by humiliating and mocking people who are inherently in circumstances that limit their ability to resist. Any «meow» to stop the illegal actions of the staff automatically affects the conditions of detention, and if for political prisoners they are limited to more or less legal methods (Punishment Isolation Cell, Cell-Type Facility, Separate Strict Conditions of Detention, reduced phone calls), then ordinary prisoners are beaten and crippled..., I don’t mind the publication of the letter. Thank you for your support, kind regards, Maria Ponomarenko. ❤️