Ponomarenko Maria Nikolaevna was born on September 5, 1978, a citizen of Russia, a resident of Barnaul. She worked in the real estate sector, and also collaborated with the electronic publication RusNews as a journalist. Social activist. Has two minor children. Under Part 2 of Article 207.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, she was sentenced to 6 years in a general regime colony and 5 years of a ban on journalistic activity. She was in custody from April 23 to November 14, 2022, then transferred to house arrest. In January 2023, she was transferred to a pre-trial detention center again.
Source: memopzk.org
❤️Dear ***, hello! Charles — ❤️, sorry, I can’t pass anything yummy to him. *** thank you for the letters, for your support and for satisfying my hunger for information. The information flow emanating from the zombie box either makes you sick or makes your heart hurt. Good, kind, bright things rarely happen, but the truth, at least, they don’t cause disgust.
Special thanks to you for the truth. Is anything known about Alexey Gorinov’s current conditions? After all, the jailers know that there are no criminal acts, why do they sink below the level of those they guard? Bullying a decent person is disgusting, bullying a helpless person is disgusting cubed. How, in this case, do jailers differ from robbers of pensioners, from child killers? Job? Order? Hitler’s Nazis made similar excuses. I believe that the lack of personal responsibility encourages security forces to carry out even orders that are criminal in nature.
Just recall the repressions of the 30-50s. of last century, they are not called national, despite the outright absurdity of the accusation of exterminating millions of Soviet citizens by one person. It’s convenient to blame Stalin for: snitching, cowardly silence, indulging in chaos, eviction of entire families without a piece of bread, starvation in camps, executions, assigning the status of long-suffering, heroic to the population mired in atrocities. 2025 and the 80th anniversary of the Victory Day will come soon. What has the country achieved in almost a century? What can we be proud of? Seriously ill children who beg for treatment? Poor pensioners and disabled people? Hyper-inflation? Dependence on China? Brotherly meat grinder? Two-thirds of the surviving people? In response, one can list the good as much as one likes, but by the above, it is discredited and reduced to zero.
❤️ ***, we have many wonderful, kind, sensitive people who are capable of giving their last shirt to those in need and their only life for a piece of land, why aren’t these wonderful individuals ready to even lift a little finger for themselves, their children, their parents?
With warmth and respect, Maria Ponomarenko