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Lyubov Lizunova

Lizunova Lyubov Vitalievna was born on July 13, 2006. An anarchist, she administered telegram channels dedicated to protests against the war in Ukraine, partisan actions, leftist ideology, animal protection and problems in Transbaikalia. Lizunova was under recognizance not to leave. In January 2023, she was detained in Irkutsk, after which she was placed under house arrest. In April 2024, a letter from Snezhkov was published, in which he reported that Lizunova had been placed in custody; Later it became known that she violated the house arrest regime and was two hours late home. On April 25, 2024, she was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. The prosecution on charges of vandalism was stopped due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. She is charged with: Art. 214 Part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 205.2 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, art. 280 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Credits: repression.info

Hello, Mom!

I’m writing to you on Sunday evening, June 2nd, still waiting for a reply to my previous letters. I’m doing fine, more than fine.

Today, I came across a wonderful essay by Vasily Grossman about Raphael’s Sistine Madonna in one of the books. There was so much humanity in that text, a subtle understanding of painting and art in general, so much encompassing humanism and life. It seemed like just a painting and a story about it, but something resonated deeply within my soul. Both Grossman and Raphael speak of the great strength of a person to keep the light within, even when facing a knowingly difficult and frightening fate. The love of a mother for her child, the unwavering faith, goodness, and calm sadness with which a person with a sense of purpose meets adversity are so well revealed.

It's not that I haven't encountered such themes in art before. The point is that what I value most in my favorite writers, artists, and musicians is their love to people, which shines brightest amidst darkness and ugliness. Dostoevsky, Repin, Van Gogh, and others proclaimed the same ideas, and it seems that everything I’ve read and seen has been very useful to me and has come together into one beautiful system, where the center (as in any person) is in personal experience, love, friendship, and the light sadness that also gives strength. Looking at the beautiful, thinking about the beautiful, I do not run away from reality because it is in reality that I find poetry.

And, of course, I wouldn’t feel this ease and freedom (relative to the circumstances) without you, Dad, and your support! Sometimes I remember my childhood, the carefree everyday life. Then the less distant past, up until this year. And you were always there. Not just there, like any parents, but there in spirit, with understanding and genuine warmth. Thank you for that! I love you very, very much.

Summer has already come, unnoticed. It’s warm, I walk around in my pink jumpsuit, looking so beautiful :) I sent the appeal on the 31st, all is well. I write poems, eat fruits/vegetables. That's how it is. How are things with you? How are your days? Is Dad playing hockey? Oh, it’s off-season now, right? Well, okay, I’m waiting for your reply, photos, etc. Hugs and kisses! Have a good time, take a trip to Arakhley.

With love, your daughter ❤️