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Khoroshenin Valentin

Valentin Alekseevich Khoroshenin, born November 26, 2001, resident of St. Petersburg, founder of the Vogel bar, according to media reports, former regional coordinator of the Vesna movement. Accused of committing crimes under Part 1 of Article 282.1, Part 4 of Article 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Deprived of liberty since June 6, 2023.

Source: memopzk.org

Hello! Thank you for your letter and the words of support! I am writing my letter on May 4th. No changes here, the only thing is that I am slowly preparing to be sent to St. Petersburg, where the trial will take place. I hope to be freed there, at home. The question is how long the trial will go on, the case has a lot of volumes, and there are many people.

The situation with the train is familiar! Once I went from the suburbs in the wrong direction, moving further and further away from St. Petersburg, and all because of mismatch of the schedule and the actual sequence of trains. A kind of involuntary incentive for suburban tourism.

I’m not against publishing letters. Can you tell me more about the activities of the association? Sometimes I think about how I can help my loved ones while here.

Now I would be happy to read all sorts of research from the Gallan Institute and You Gov, I used to work with their data a lot, but never mind, all this will end and I’ll read a lot.

They propose strange amendments to the Criminal Code, then it will have to be completely rewritten, after all we have a maximum of 30 years, and even that is based on the totality of sentences. Let’s see where all this talk leads.

Astronomical news is especially pleasant to read, somehow calming; against the backdrop of space with its immensity, all problems fade, and space exploration once again suggests how cool we can work together.

Be sure to write more! Hello to Charles!

With best wishes and gratitude,
