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Babintsev Mikhail

Babintsev Mikhail Petrovich was born on July 12, 1983, citizen of the Russian Federation, photographer, lived in the village of Mukhorshibir of the Republic of Buryatia. On October 4, 2023 was sentenced under part 1 of article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation («Committing a terrorist act») to 13 years of imprisonment in a strict regime colony with serving the first 3 years in prison. Imprisoned since October 28, 2022.

Source: memopzk.org

***, hi. On Friday the 9th I received another letter from you dated 7.08. And before that, for a month, they brought me a letter every week. Thank you very much for continuing to support me and keep me informed. Yes, I have already heard the news about the exchange. At first, they were broadcasting it on TV for several days, but without details. Then I found out the details of how it all actually happened. And you know, somehow I can’t bring myself to call it an exchange. There were about 5 citizens with foreign passports, the rest only had internal Russian ones. Some refused to be exchanged. Well, you know it all. They can’t return. And what next, how will they live there, what will they do? Of course, in any case, it’s better than prison. There are obvious things, plus — yes, some negotiations, discussions are apparently underway. Personally, my hopes have not increased. And here, in the dungeons, the news was not perceived at all, no effect. Everyone is somehow indifferent. And in general, we sit quietly, scrolling and nodding, not discussing anything. We watch the news on TV in silence. I remember well the second case of A. Miftakhov (if I’m not mistaken).

In general, everything is fine. We read, write, «walk». The cassation appeal has been sent to the Supreme Court, it will meet the deadline. In 1.5-2 months, probably, the hearing will take place. But, of course, there is almost no hope. The heat is over, we hope it will not come back anymore. Every other day it rains, it is very refreshing. I wish the same for you, because according to the forecasts, it is still hot there. Greetings to Charles. Take care of each other. Wishing you peace and goodness.

With respect, Mikhail


P.S. ***, I have two more forms for the answers, you do not need to send them until November.