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Klokov Sergey

Klokov Sergey Valentinovich (Vedel Semiel Valterovich) was born on May 18, 1984 in the city of Bucha, Kyiv region of Ukraine, studied in the city of Irpen, Kyiv region, citizen of Russia, resident of Moscow. Captain of the internal service, technician (driver) of the reserve control point of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow, higher education, married, has two young children. On charges of committing crimes under paragraph "d" of Part 2 of Article 207.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, he was sentenced to 7 years in a general regime colony. On August 21, 2023, the appellate court upheld the verdict unchanged, on May 29, 2024, the cassation court returned the case to the appeal for a new trial. On July 23, 2024, during a second appeal review, the verdict was overturned. Imprisoned since March 16, 2022.

Source: memopzk.org

P.S. I recently got my hands on M. Zygar’s book «The Empire Must Die». Probably any empire sooner or later destroys itself.

Hello, dear friends! I received all your letters dated 08/02/24. Thank you very much for your support and your attention. The news is really very joyful. 16 people have found long-awaited freedom. Even if someone did not expect being freed like this, there is nothing bad in it and what happened should be greatly appreciated — at what cost and labor it was achieved, and you can continue to fight and from there with greater realization, be realized. I hope that everyone will have the opportunity for this. The main thing is not to allow this exchange to turn into an ordinary public action, a showpiece. It is necessary for such work to continue and increase.

I think that the main goal is freedom for people in prisons who are simply, as many here believe, held in captivity. And I agree with this too, they gained freedom, met with their families, especially with their children, restored their health, and did not lose their lives, which is the highest value of a person. Everything else probably fades into the background, self-realization, financial situation, etc. I am asking to put flowers from me to the Berlin Wall if you can. This is a symbol of the reunion with relatives. I really feel this while in prison. I think such a reunion should happen in Korea and everywhere. Borders and barbed wire should not be an obstacle to communication with relatives. Forgive me if I am wrong. I value and love and respect you all very much. Huge greetings to everyone. I hug you all. May the force be with you, peace will definitely come.

09.08.24 (Klokov S.V.)