Dmitry Dmitrievich Pchelintsev, born May 14, 1992, anti-fascist and left-wing activist from Penza, worked as a shooting instructor in the veteran organization of the Union of Russian Paratroopers before his arrest. Sentenced to 18 years in a maximum security penal colony and 1.5 years of restricted freedom on charges of creating a terrorist community (Part 1 of Article 205.4) and possession of weapons (Part 1 of Article 222) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In custody since October 27, 2017. On April 27, 2021, the Supreme Court rejected the cassation appeal against the verdict.
Hello, did you return to yoga? What style did you practice? I used to prefer Ashtanga yoga, I just really like the vinyasa in hatha practice... Now I have voluntarily switched to Jivamukti yoga, have you heard of it? It seems to be quite popular in the West and I hope that is due to the growing awareness of people. In Jivamukti, besides bhakti, there are amazing Nada practices when you listen to music. This is used by others but here they listen to modern music :) I usually zone out to Sevdaliza, especially the album Ison)) And I also really liked the mantras from the Deep Black album by the amazing Shaktihoka. Highly recommend. And from another album, they have a great track «Purnam.» From Sevdaliza, I like the track «Darkest Hour» from another album. Once, seeing this video, someone called the women in it aliens and it was so primitivistic!
After all, it is the ordinary people who live here as if they are guests, not identifying Earth as their home. And such women are at home here. As are all those who take responsibility and consciously relate to the planet and all the beings inhabiting it. But here’s the thing.
European civilization has long followed the path of stealing (so to speak) other peoples’ resources, colonialism, and genocide. It was destructive for centuries and then grew up to create, and when all those whom they oppressed for so long had the chance to grow +/- in the same way, all existing international organizations maximally forbade this path :) The extraction of everything possible is being reduced and there are no prospects for human potential development on excavated resources or cheap or dirty production, since technological singularity is not far away and its first-comers are already replacing humans in simple jobs. And this is just the beginning. But we still have the opportunity to appreciate and rethink our civilizational experience and unlock the emotional component of our existence on a new, previously unknown level. All ongoing events are part of this path, a way to overcome the global crisis of empathy. And this is a key aspect, because the history of humanity is the history of the development of empathy. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya.