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Klokov Sergey

Klokov Sergey Valentinovich (Vedel Semiel Valterovich) was born on May 18, 1984 in the city of Bucha, Kyiv region of Ukraine, studied in the city of Irpen, Kyiv region, citizen of Russia, resident of Moscow. Captain of the internal service, technician (driver) of the reserve control point of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow, higher education, married, has two young children. On charges of committing crimes under paragraph "d" of Part 2 of Article 207.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, he was sentenced to 7 years in a general regime colony. On August 21, 2023, the appellate court upheld the verdict unchanged, on May 29, 2024, the cassation court returned the case to the appeal for a new trial. On July 23, 2024, during a second appeal review, the verdict was overturned. Imprisoned since March 16, 2022.

Source: memopzk.org

Hello dear friends!

I received your letter dated 23.05.24.

*** special thanks to you for everything you do, I appreciate you all. It was very symbolic to bring the Statue of Liberty to my confinement, I hope it brings freedom to all of us.

Everything started for me on 24.02.22 when they began destroying my city, Bucha. I would love for you to write and send photos from there.

How is it now? For me, freedom ended on March 16, 2022, at 18:30 when inhumane people attacked my Toyota Yaris and began smashing it, breaking the windows, and pulling everything out while beating me as I lay at the intersection of Rudnevskaya and Medvedeva streets, right on the asphalt in the middle of the crossroads. That same night, they ransacked my house and my parents' house, not even stopping in the presence of small children and elderly parents. They took all their equipment, computers, and phones, leaving them without money or access accounts and apps to pay for utilities. They took all the documents. In the end, they found nothing and gradually returned some of the possessions.

Later, the scoundrel prosecutor filed an appeal to confiscate my parents' two phones and add another year to my sentence. I replied to him that I was calling from one number and one phone and had no other, so what do their phones have to do with the crime? And he decided to respond.

Now all the names of these hellish creatures are known, their lies are exposed and continue to be revealed. How many of them are there? And they all need to be known to the whole world, so such things are never forgotten and never repeated.

The most painful thing for me is that that spring, I was supposed to teach my four-year-old daughter to ride a bike. Now she is seven, has learned to write, and wrote that she still hasn't learned to ride a bike. "When will you teach me?" she asks. Indeed, when. I think, how many such children will never have that chance?

Sorry for writing so sadly today. Wishing everyone peace and all the best. 26.05.2024