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Boris Goncharenko

Boris Andreyevich Goncharenko, born on 8 June 1988, a resident of Krasnodar, a history and philosophy teacher, is charged under paragraphs a, c, part 2 of article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Terrorist act committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy", up to 20 years' imprisonment). He has been deprived of liberty since October 2022.

205 P.2

Hello, ***

I really enjoy your letters! Unfortunately, they seldom reach me: I received the last one in the fall, so I can be happy about the correspondence being resumed 😊

You're doing great! There should be more such people! In my opinion, this is a really important, necessary and very good initiative! Of course, I don’t mind and you can do whatever you want with my letters!

What can I tell you? I’ve already been seventh month in Rostov (it was better in Krasnodar😊), the trials are going on, the trial (I hope not the Kafka’s one) is going slowly, but it’s going on. To be honest, I’m really looking forward to the next stage, I don’t have any illusions, but I really want changes. I don’t believe in the good, I don’t believe in the bad! 😊 So, there’s no news, “standby mode”.

In your letter, I liked the news about the list of the hundred most influential people in the world, it’s time for someone to influence what is going on! 😊 Recently I came across a quote from Dovlatov: “The world is gripped by madness. Madness becomes the norm. The norm feels like a miracle.” In my opinion, this is a very accurate description of what is happening. This cannot last forever and I believe that everything will change for the better soon! We must believe!

I don’t know what to write about, it turned out to be some kind of meaningless letter. (*crossed out*) I hope that someday I will learn to write normal letters. Let it be for now. Thank you for your letter! With respect and warmth to you,

Boris *signature* 04/29/2024